ADW (Assault with a Deadly Weapon):
100 Gretna Green
On 02/22/13 between 7:30am and 11:00am suspect(s) pried the rear door without success.
3200 Mandeville Cyn (Construction site)
Between 02/26/13 at 4:00pm and 02/27/13 at 7:30am, suspect(s) cut garage door lock and removed tools.
600 Moreno Dr,
On 03/02/13 between 5:30pm and 6:00pm suspect(s) pried the rear window and took lock-box with jewelry.
BFMV (Burglary and/or Theft from Motor Vehicle):
11600 San Vicente
On 2-28-13 10:00am and 1100am, vehicle parked on the street, suspect(s) removed license plate
200 26th Street (business)
02/15/13, swim suit stolen valued at $1,140.00
809 S. Gretna Green (residence)
02/20/13, furniture/art stolen valued at $25,000
800 Gretna Way (residence)
Between 02/19/13 to 2/21, bicycle valued at $2,800.
11700 Dorothy St (residence)
02/24/13, bicycle valued at $300.00
1300 S Sepulveda Blvd. (business)
02/26/13, iPhones valued at $900.00
Efforts are being made to ensure the safety of our children at the various bus stops and school crossings.
Just a reminder to everyone: red lights flashing at the rear of school buses mandate drives to STOP completely. It does not mean proceed with caution. It does not mean you can proceed if you don’t see any children. It does not mean anything except STOP for the entire duration that the red lights are flashing. No exceptions.
Everyone is in a hurry and everyone is running late. But there couldn’t possibly anything worse than having to live with the guilt of injuring or killing an innocent child coming or going from school. Citations will be given on a zero tolerance basis.