ADW (Assault with a Deadly Weapon):
1800 Kimberly Dr, RD 0812
11/26/12 at 1:45 pm, suspects entered house via unlocked rear door and left without property after becoming aware that the occupant was inside residence. Suspect 1: Female Hispanic, heavy set, curly hair, Suspect 2: Male, Hispanic, No Further Description (NFD), Suspect’s vehicle: 90’s white van
1000 Amherst RD 0831
Between 11/30/12 at 7:00 am and 12/02/12 at 11:45 am, suspect(s) entered house via unlocked rear window and removed cash and jewelry.
11400 Ayrshire RD 0814
12/03/12, between 10:30 am and 2:30 pm, suspect(s) pried house rear slider door and removed watch and cameras.
GTA’S (Grand Theft Auto)
BFMV (Burglary from Motor Vehicle)
11-30-12, 11600 Gorham Ave., between 10:30 pm and 6:30 am, vehicle was parked in garage, took GPS and clothes
12-01-12 1000 Granville Ave., between 5;00 pm and 2:00 pm, vehicle was parked on the street, took I-phone and sunglasses
12-01-12 11800 Gorham Ave. , between 9:00 pm and 8:15 am, vehicle was parked in a carport, smashed window and took clothes
12-01-12 11700 Goshen Ave., between 9:00 pm and 10:45 am, vehicle was parked in an alley, smashed window and took CDs and clothes
12-02-12 11700 Darlington Ave., between midnight and 3:15 pm, vehicle was parked in a carport, smashed window and took sunglasses.
12-02-12 11900 Dorothy St., between 12:30 am and 9:45 am, vehicle was parked in a carport, smashed window, took cash, identification and credit cards.
12-4-12 12200 Falkirk, at 2:30 am, vehicle was parked on the street, took camera.
The biggest BTFV problem area in Brentwood is between San Vicente and Wilshire Blvds and between Barrington west to Bundy.
Do not leave ANYTHING in your vehicle when you park it; some of these cars are burgled for nothing more than sunglasses or loose change. So, lock it, hide it, or LOSE it!!!!