Are you, or is someone you know interested in offering time, companionship and your life experience to young adults who are transitioning out of the foster care system? Here is the chance to fulfill that want.
The Foster Youth Alumni Co Mentoring Project brings together foster youth ages 18 to 24, with a select group of adults to create a healthy safety-net that supports them as they transition into independent living.
Foster youth “age out” of the system between the ages of 18 and 21. These young adults are expected to transition from foster care to independence with limited support or guidance. They are expected to find housing, jobs, careers, pursue higher education, virtually on their own.
Co-mentoring offers a unique and exciting way of mentoring that is different from individual, traditional mentoring, and offers transitioned-aged youth a broader support base.
In many existing mentoring programs, a single youth is paired with an adult forming a strictly hierarchical relationship, the adult dispenses wisdom and instruction to the youth. Co-mentoring, on the other hand, is rooted in the belief that each person can learn from one another. There are no mentors and mentees, (givers and takers) rather; individuals share their authentic selves while acknowledging shared experiences and hopes.
Curious? Well, you can learn more about this exciting alternative to traditional mentoring, and how you can support young adults as they transition out of foster care.
Upcoming Orientations:
Thursday, December 6, 2012, 6:30pm-8:00pm.
For more information and to RSVP:, select “Youth in Transition” or call 213-365-2900, email Chantel Zimmerman at