Adat Shalom Synagogue 3030 Westwood Blvd at the corner of Westwood and National Blvds will now conduct its morning Minyan (prayer service) with women fully included in the services.
“We thank all those who have kept our Minyan strong over the years but we feel the time has come for the Minyan to better reflect the overall philosophy of the entire congregation,†said the new spiritual leader of Adat Shalom, Rabbi Arye Berk.
Berk further commented that since women are treated as full participants in the Saturday morning (Shabbat) service there was no reason to maintain a different policy for the smaller, more intimate service, held every day Monday through Friday at 7:00am and 8:30am on Sunday, in the Irving I. Emmer Chapel.
The effect of this change will be full inclusion of women, allowing them to be counted as part of the official prayer quorum, receive all honors traditionally offered to men, and they will be allowed to stand-up before the community to lead prayer. Finally, women needing to recite Kaddish, the traditional prayer for the deceased will be able to do so without waiting for 10 men, rather the attendee herself will be counted thereby making a Minyan easier.
Adat Shalom opens its doors to all for the morning Minyan. As Rabbi Berk said, “The morning Minyan is a brief moment of solace and quiet in an otherwise hectic day. Now we can really welcome everyone into our Minyan and assure them that they count every bit as much as the person sitting next to them.â€
For more information on Adat Shalom: