Westsiders and South Bay residents are invited to attend a Green Symposium and Art Show on April 23, 2011 from 2:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. at the Angels Gate Cultural Center, Building H, located at 3610 S. Gaffey Street, San Pedro, CA 90731.
The event, titled “One Year Later: A Call to Commit to Clean Energy,†marks the one year anniversary of the BP Oil Disaster and Earth Day and will include an art display, live music, a series of speakers and an audience question and answer session. Participants will get helpful tips on how to go “green†and reduce our carbon footprint on a personal and community level.
Doors will open at 2:00 p.m. for the art show and live music. Speaker panel will start at 3:30 p.m, followed by an audience question and answer session at 5:30 p.m. Angels Gate Cultural Center is located in San Pedro, near Ft. MacArthur and the Korean Bell and is accessible from the 110 (Harbor) Freeway.
Our fantastic speaker panel includes: Gary Holland, writer, producer, director, and sound engineer (having worked with Jacques Cousteau for years); Seamus Innes and Danny Spurgin of SurfRider – Long Beach Chapter; Helen Arens, environmental attorney; and a guest from the Sierra Club Beyond Coal Campaign. Topics include how to get Los Angeles Off Coal Fired Power by 2020, Rise Above Plastics, Preventing Oil Spills off our Local Shores, Storm Drain Runoff and Ocean Pollution, Problems for our Environment with the Passage of Prop 26, How to Compost at Home, and Easy Ways to be More Green Everyday. We will display art by Stephen Gary (www.garyart.com) as well as photographs taken from the front lines of the BP Disaster. Music to be provided by local artists.
The event is free and there is plenty of parking. Children are welcome but do need to be supervised around art displays.
To get to the Angels Gate Cultural Center, please take the 110 Freeway South toward San Pedro and exit at Gaffey Street, turning left. Drive about 2 miles through San Pedro and up the hill to 36th Street. Turn right onto Leavenworth Drive into Angels Gate Park (this is before the entrance to the Korean bell) and then make an immediate right up another small hill a series of buildings on the left, with this event in Building H.