Q: You’ve just published a draft EIR on the new project that is proposed for the site where Duttons was. What is a draft EIR? What are the highlights of the plan?
A:The EIR is a City Planning Department report prepared to define the project, inform the public of any potential environmental effects and identify measures to reduce significant environmental impacts. A draft of this study, called a Draft Environmental Impact Report (DEIR), was released for public review on February 17, 2011. The DEIR analyzes issues such as: aesthetics, parking and access, traffic, air quality, noise, and land use. The Planning Department has indicated it will receive written comments on the DEIR until April 20th, 2011.
Green Hollow Square will be a low scale, one stop retail and dining experience for Brentwood residents and customers. It will reflect Brentwood’s unique character through thoughtful environmentally friendly features and convenient access to a unique variety of specialty merchants.
Q: You’ve been talking to the Brentwood Community for some time about this. What ideas from the community have you incorporated into your plans?
A: The developer has met many times with the community and has incorporated community requests and suggestions. Among these are: no access or egress off of Saltair Avenue, maintenance of a residential property on Saltair to preserve the residential character of Saltair, reduced project height, inclusion of less restaurant space than originally proposed, suggestions on tenant type, provision of ample – more than code required parking, well landscaped parking areas, traffic and circulation considerations, inclusion of spacious, and open – well landscaped patio areas.
Q: Will any part of the Barry Building be saved under your proposal? If not, how do you get around the historic designation for the property?
A: The Historical Designation subject is discussed in detail in the DEIR.
Q: Explain to our readers the thinking behind the new name, “Green Hollow Square.â€
A: The name of the project was changed, as requested by members of the community in order to avoid confusion with the Brentwood Green project at the Brentwood Magnet School.
Q: If people in Brentwood come up with what they consider to be a better name, are you open to a change?
A: That question would most correctly be presented directly to the developer.
Q: What’s the next step in all of this? If things go according to plan, when will the project be done?
A: The City Entitlement Process is an involved process and may take twelve to eighteen months to complete including public hearings and meetings with city commissions etc.. Construction plans have then to be prepared and approved and it is estimated that approximately a two year construction process will evolve before the project is completed.
Q: Anything else?
A: A telephone number and Green Hollow Square web site should be available soon to provide further information. Questions and comments regarding the DEIR are to be addressed to the Planning Department at this time. To see the entire DEIR, go to: www.cityplanning.lacity.org. Click on “Environmental.†Then click on “Draft Environmental Reports.†Comments are due by April 20.