Great Voter Turnout in Brentwood Hills
by Jerry Adomian, Inspector
Brentwood Hills residents turned out en masse to cast their votes on November 2 in precinct 9001356A. This year we were located on Cordelia Rd. Voters always need to read their Voters Guide as the location of the polling place has varied over the years. Also, remember if a voter needs assistance and would prefer to remain in their car, we can bring the ballot machine to their car. Of interest, so far voters with special needs enjoy coming in to the polling area as they, too, enjoy meeting people and especially to keep active.
The clerks were kept busy except for a few rare moments. Although the day was long and tiring, we all enjoyed seeing
the neighbors and making new friends
We wish to thank all residents who voted, whether by mail or in person.
Halloween Hauntings in the Hills?
by Jerry Adomian
Over the last several years there have been reports of a gorilla running loose, most often seen on Halloween night on Banyan Dr.
This year reports indicate that the gorilla, with the headband, has increased his territory to include Arbutus. Apparently, all the candy that has been provided to him by well-meaning residents over the years, has kept him in our area. He has not caused any problems and the kids love him.
This year, a second gorilla was spotted on Banyan as he approached the resident gorilla of Banyan. Generally, only one rules the area so everyone was prepared for a fierce battle between the two wild animals to establish dominance. All were amazed that the two just growled at each other without attacking. Rumor has it that the newcomer is female and therefore was welcomed by the gorilla with the headband.
It’s rumored that in the future, there may be a baby gorilla, so keep your eyes open and your candy bowls filled.
Subway to the Sea – Getting Closer
The Metro Board voted recently to extend the subway line down Wilshire Boulevard, extending from Wilshire/Western to the VA property, on the edge of Brentwood. This vote clears the way for a final environmental impact report.
Recommended stations down Wilshire Boulevard include La Brea Avenue, Fairfax Avenue, La Cienega Boulevard, and Rodeo Drive. Further west, the Metro Board will still have to determine the exact locations of stations in Century City and Westwood.
Metro staff will continue to analyze the Santa Monica Boulevard route through Beverly Hills, and the Constellation Boulevard route in Century City.
Officials hope to have construction underway by 2013, with completion by 2022.