If you’ve driven around Brentwood these past few months I’m sure you’ve noticed the unfinished traffic signals at San Vicente & Darlington and Barrington & Montana. And, if you’re like me, you’ve probably wondered what on earth is taking so long to complete them.
So I decided to do a little research. I remembered that the City of Los Angeles launched the 311 information hotline a few years back so I gave it a try. After a recorded greeting from Mayor Villaraigosa and a few minutes on hold, I spoke with someone who directed me to the Western Transportation District Office.
Eventually, I spoke with Mo Blorfroshan who explained that federal stimulus money had all but dried up for 2010, but they were hopeful new funds would arrive sometime in 2011 to complete these, as well as nearly 60 other projects in the Western District alone.
Here’s a quick synopsis of the two Brentwood projects:
San Vicente Blvd & Darlington Ave – Completely new traffic signal. The first new signal in Brentwood in over a decade. Installed primarily to enhance pedestrian safety and reduce the back-up of cars waiting to turn left from eastbound San Vicente.
Current Status: As seen in the top photo, the signal hardware is installed and has been for many months. The next step is to carve out left turn lanes in the center island, similar to those at San Vicente & Bundy and San Vicente & Montana. After that, the signal will need to be tied into the local ‘interconnect’ – the system that synchronizes all the traffic lights.
Barrington Ave & Montana Ave – Addition of left turn arrow from eastbound Montana to northbound Barrington. Installed to reduce wait times for those turning north onto Barrington. Part of the Mayor’s plan to install 100 left turn arrows throughout the city by 2008.
Current Status: As seen in the photo above, the signal hardware has long-since been installed. Unlike the San Vicente signal, however, there will be no alterations to the existing street. The remaining step is getting the signal tied into the city interconnect.
So when will we see these signals in operation? It’s anybody’s guess, but Mo says I’ll know the funding is in place when crews begin construction on the center islands.
So for the time being, get used to seeing these signals in their unfinished state. My guess is they’re going to remain that way for many months to come.
Todd Nathanson is a Realtor in Brentwood who has specialized in home sales on the Westside of Los Angeles since 2004. Todd enjoys blogging about lifestyle, news, and current events in his community.
You can follow Todd on Twitter and Facebook. Email him at todd.nathanson@thepartnerstrust.com.