Chuck Wilkerson has vowed to step down from his seat in the Congress after two terms.
He believes the founding fathers did not envision that the Congress be occupied by career politicians, but instead prescribed that citizens should take time from their busy
lives to serve the people in the legislature. Chuck Wilkerson is the common sense Republican candidate for Congress in California’s 30th Congressional District. He is opposing the incumbent, Henry Waxman, who is seeking his 18th straight term.
Wilkerson is a Marine Corp veteran and aerospace engineer/entrepreneur. As a business owner he understands that businesses, and especially small businesses, create jobs only under business-friendly government policies such as low taxes and sensible regulations. He believes that such policies are the key to job creation, prosperity, and relief from the crushing Federal debt that would otherwise be passed on to our children and grandchildren.
Once elected to the Congress, he will fight for job-creation initiatives featuring small government, an end to stifling regulations, low taxes and free market reforms to health care. His actions will also include serious hearings and scrutiny of the scientific basis for Waxman’s cap and trade legislation, a leak-proof border security system, the “Chuck BID Plan†a common-sense solution to the illegal immigration problem, an unapologetic foreign policy based on “Peace Through Strength” and true energy independence via utilization of our own natural resources.
The election will be held on November 2nd.