A world renowned troupe of talented young performers from China entertained the student body at St. Martin of Tours School in Brentwood with a cultural program celebrating Chinese New Year. Members of the Tianjin Cathay Future Children’s Art Troupe of China sang, danced, and played unique musical instruments for the American students. Despite the language barrier, the Chinese children played games and interacted over lunch with the fourth graders. Ryan Maroun, a fifth grader, welcomed the Chinese performers in Mandarin, a language he has studied for six years. His family helped facilitate the cultural exchange at the school.
The troupe also visited other select campuses in Los Angeles, Salt Lake City, San Bernardino, and Vancouver. The UCLA Confucius Institute, which promotes the study of Chinese language and culture, arranged the trip together with STAR Education, which provides enrichment classes for children.
Visit St. Martin of Tours School’s website: www.smtschool.net to view photos and videos of the program.