Former LA County Supervisor Zev Yaroslavsky sat down with WestsideToday Executive Editor Brenton Garen and discussed Yaroslavsky’s proudest moments while...
[KGVID poster=”” width=”600″ height=”338″][/KGVID] Did you know a little taste of Spain exists on the oceanside streets of Santa Monica?...
[KGVID poster=”” width=”600″ height=”338″][/KGVID] This week, Zev Yaroslavsky former LA County Supervisor stopped by the studio to chat with Executive...
[KGVID poster=”” width=”600″ height=”338″][/KGVID] Santa Monica transit authority Big Blue Bus has started soliciting public input on two proposed redesigned...
[KGVID poster=”” width=”600″ height=”338″][/KGVID] Chris Merrill of Naam Yoga LA in Santa Monica talks about thyroid health and teaches Coral...
[KGVID poster=”” width=”600″ height=”338″][/KGVID] “Nightcrawler” writer/director and 2015 Oscar nominee Dan Gilroy and his wife Rene Russo (who starred as...
[KGVID poster=”” width=”600″ height=”338″][/KGVID] Now in its tenth year, “Museums Free-For-All,”a SoCal Museums promotion, which is a joint effort to...