Celebrate Black History month with:
San Francisco 8 defendant Ray Boudreaux,
L.A. public school teacher Linda Guthrie,
and Chicana feminist Beatriz Paez
all of who challenge the assertion that, 60 years after the civil rights movement, the U.S. has become a colorblind society.
Thursday, February 25, 7:00pm
Solidarity Hall, 2170 W. Washington Blvd., L.A.
Door donation $3. Savory home-cooked supper served at 6:30pm for a $9 donation. (Sliding scale and work exchanges available.)
A portion of the evening’s proceeds will benefit Haiti relief. Doors open at 6:00 pm. Sponsored by Radical Women and the Freedom Socialist Party.
For childcare or info contact 323-732-6416 or radicalwomenla@earthlink.net or fspla@earthlink.net.
www.radicalwomen.org, www.socialism.com.