By Sam Skopp
Yard sales were the order of the day Saturday, Sept.16, as the annual Santa Monica-wide event brought bargain hunting neighbors together. Anyone could sign up to sell, with their locations added to a comprehensive map that included almost 100 different yard sale locations.
The idea behind the event is that the more unwanted items are sold within neighborhoods, the less these items end up in landfills. Fewer items in landfills save money and natural resources, which has a positive impact on both the city and the environment.
Participants were encouraged to coordinate with one another to hold block-wide sales or raise money for a local organization. Lana, who has participated in this event for the past few years, said that she was able to meet neighbors she hadn’t met before through her yard sale.
“I think it’s a really good community thing,” Lana said. “It gets a lot of people out here. I’m grateful Santa Monica has this.”
Yvonne was another yard sale participant who coordinated with two of her friends to sell a variety of clothes, dinnerware and more. This was her first time joining the city-wide yard sale event.
“It’s a good thing for cleaning up for the Fall,” Yvonne said. “We’re happy that the city gave us permission.”
Ben and his wife and kids were also selling some items together in the same neighborhood, and have joined the yard sale event in past years as well.
“Any time you have a garage sale and a lot of people have garage sales, a lot of people go to garage sales,” Ben said. “This one’s the best so far.”

For more information on upcoming City events, visit