After reading Mr. Eliasberg’s (ACLU) comments regarding the West LA VA, I finally have to speak up. His organization, for some reason, goes out of its way to slam a terrific facility. Ask those who use its services.
I have been volunteering there, often 6-7 days per week, for years and am aware of its value. We treat so may people so well with personnel that really cares. They should be lauded by all instead of so often put down.
We are all aware of the use of portions of otherwise unused land leased to outside entities. The income from these leases is paid to VA and used for VA needs. not all of which are provided by our government.
Shortages we so often endure at the VA are helped by these contributions to VA income for our veterans. Would ACLU and the protesters prefer that the land remains unused with no income produced? Ridiculous. When the government is able to provide new shelters and offer additional assistance, ACLU’s protests will be answered.
– Sol Liebster, Volunteer