A 4-week series with Stephanie Nash, Tuesdays Starting November 2,2010; 1001a Colorado Ave. Santa Monica, CA 90401
By noticing how we create our world, with thoughts, feelings & perceptions, and by choosing to selectively attend to even quite subtly positive, pleasant, healthy experience – without grasping – we can create new habits of thinking, feeling and responding to our moment-by-moment experience (creating more ease, happiness & insight.)
“Mindfully Exploring Pleasure” is a fun, sometimes relaxing, sometimes moving journey through discriminating and fully experiencing pleasant and positive experiences in all sense gates (hearing, seeing, tasting, smelling, touching, feeling and thinking) using techniques and strategies that are applicable in one’s daily life.
The added benefits are the development of Concentration, Sensory Clarity and Equanimity which Shinzen Young calls the “3-Fold Skill-Set of what is developed by and used in mindfulness practice.
Added benefits? How about developing: Concentration, Sensory Clarity & Equanimity – (SHINZEN YOUNG’s “3-Fold Skill-Set†of what is developed by & used in mindfulness or Vipassana practice.)
Cost: $20 per week; $70 if paid in full in advance. There will be an opportunity to give dana to the teacher. Some scholarships and work-study is available. Please call for info.
Stephanie Nash has taught & facilitated others in Shinzen’s techniques since1999. She wrote the study guide for Shinzen’s “Talks on Teaching Series†and has often taught for Shinzen with his “Basic Mindfulness†home retreat program & sometimes on retreat.
Stephanie has been interviewed a few times on KPFK, with Roy of Hollywood, about eating meditation and working with post-election depression, among other topics, and a year ago Steph began a YouTube channel for interviews she’s done – & continues to do – with Shinzen Young & other teachers. (http://www.youtube.com/user/ShinzenInterviews)
Steph teaches privately & leads monthly Sunday workshops in Santa Monica, as well as volunteering for the monthly VSI Saturday Sit in Santa Monica and Shinzen Young’s retreats 4 times a year.
Shinzen introduced Steph to the Red Road in 1998 and the friendship took – (although her teaching schedule keeps her from getting to lodges like she used to.) Steph also teaches film directors to work with actors at the Art Center College of Design in Pasadena (…she’s an ‘associate professor’, actually) and she has been a working actress for decades. (It could drive anyone to meditation.) Look for a women’s workshop, taught with Julianna Raye, around the corner.
For more info on any of this: Nash Arts & Meditation: http://www.nasharts.com/