Our lives are so complicated and dissatisfying. In our relentless search for happiness, we use our time and energy seeking so many different things. We want to change our job, our partner, our home, our situation – but until we change our restless discontented mind, we will never find the happiness we seek. If we are contented, we are happy all the time.
In this course, Gen-la Dekyong will share with us Buddha’s practical advice on how to overcome our problem of discontentment, and enjoy the peace and satisfaction that can only come from learning to still our restless mind.
Place: Kadampa Meditation Center California
1492 Blake Ave Los Angeles, CA 90031
Contact: (323) 223-0610 or info@meditateinla.org
Visit: http://www.meditateinla.org
Cost: $40 includes delicious vegetarian lunch ($50 after March 29)