We play numerous roles in our daily lives: employer, spouse, parent, caregiver, sibling, friend, student, teacher, volunteer, mentor and more. This workshop will teach you rituals to help deal with these varied aspects of a hectic life without over-exhausting ourselves and turning to less constructive coping methods such as alcohol and shopping.
Experiential techniques will be used during an evening workshop to help participants explore the roles in their lives and reflect on how they transition from one to another. The workshop will help individuals identify their most challenging transitions, determine their needs and develop a ritual to address those key issues.
Wednesday, March 31, 7-9:00 p.m.
Simms/Mann Health and Wellness Center
Venice Family Clinic
2509 Pico Blvd. Santa Monica, CA 90405
For cost, registration and more information: www.uclaartsandhealing.net or call 310-452-1439.
Workshops designed for personal and professional development.
The program is sponsored by UCLArts and Healing, which is a member of the UCLA Collaborative Centers for Integrative Medicine, which promotes education and research in complementary, alternative, and integrative medicine.