American must lead by example in stopping the brutal cabal of Iranian mullahs and mad man and Holocaust denier Mahmoud Ahmadinejed who threatens American interests and Israel’s right to exist.
Iran must be stopped from developing a nuclear bomb. Sanctions is the next step before sterner measures are taken. We don’t need another war now.
Congress passed the Iran Refined Petroleum Sanctions Act (H.R. 2194) recently by a vote of 412-12, now its up to the Senate and the President to make it law. There is no time to waste. It needs to be passed and put into law now while there is still time to peacefully stop Iran!
The biggest stick the international community can wield remains Iran’s dependence on imported gasoline. Iran has not developed enough capacity to refine its crude oil into gasoline. By stopping such imports we can help encourage the regime to either change their policies – or for the regime itself to change.
In addition to cutting off gasoline sales, the international community, led by the United States, should provide incentives to foreign banks and companies to eliminate investments in Iran’s energy sector and firms helping the Iranian Revolutionary Guard.
America should do all it can to stop Iran without war – but to do that, the Senate and White House must act now! Contact our Senators without delay.