Crime in Brentwood is down 22%
We have seen an up swing in two crime areas. First, burglary/theft from motor vehicle, the community is still leaving property in their vehicles and some are failing to lock their vehicles.
Please remove all property from the inside of your vehicle, lock the doors and set the alarm.
Secondly, the burglaries north of Sunset Blvd. have returned. Please see the requests below.
We are also encouraging residents to re-evaluate their home security by utilizing the below prevention measures.
Ensure all doors and windows are securely locked, including side or rear garage doors.
Ensure that alarm systems are maintained in good working order.
Ensure that the upstairs master bedroom and closet areas are equipped with motion sensor detectors.
Activate alarms when leaving your residence even if just for short trips away.
Eliminate the presence of any ladders from the outside of your residences.
Ensure that safes are bolted and secured to the frame or foundation.
Maintain up to date records and photos of small non-serialized valuables.
Consider installing surveillance cameras covering the exterior and interior areas where safes and other valuables are kept.
Thank you for being alert and for your help
The below listed crimes are grouped by type, street and listed by hundred blocks, not by exact addresses.
Robbery (definition: Someone takes your property from you by force or fear)
One market, beer taken by bodily force. LOCATION: 12000 Wilshire Blvd
Prevention: Be aware of your surroundings don’t carry large sums of money, and never display your money or jewelry in public.
Burglary (definition: Someone enters a dwelling and removes your property without your permission)
Nine residences were broken into. Seven had their door or window smashed, one had their door pried open, and one had left their doors and windows open. Items taken were cash, jewelry, laptop, and safe.
LOCATIONS: 12400 W. Sunset Blvd., 11700 San Vicente Blvd., 1700 Westridge Road, 1000 Ravoli Dr., 900 N Norman Pl., 700 Bristol Ave., 600 Elkin Road and 1 Oakmont Dr.
Prevention: Always lock your home or business and set your alarm.
Burglary/Theft from Motor Vehicles (definition: Someone enters your vehicle without permission)
Ten vehicles were broken into last month. Five were unlocked and Five had their windows smashed. Property taken from the vehicles were cash, IPODs, GPSs, purses, bags, clothes, cell Phones, sunglasses, check book, camera, computer, catalytic converter, and car pool lane sticker.
LOCATIONS: 12200 Montana Ave, 11900 Mayfield Ave St, 11900 Kiowa Ave, 11900 Montana Ave, 13300 Westcove Dr., 12300 Montana Ave, 12100 Travis St, 11600 San Vicente Blvd, 11600 Gorham Ave, 11300 Joffre St., 900 Stone Hill Lane, 400 N. Barrington Ave, and 400 N. Rockingham Ave.
Prevention: Do not leave anything inside your vehicle, always lock and set your vehicles alarm.
Theft (definition: Someone takes your property without your permission)
Six Crimes occurred where cash, bicycle, clothes, lamp, camera, and plants were taken
LOCATIONS: 12600 W. Sunset Blvd, 12600 San Vicente Blvd, 11700 San Vicente Blvd, 11700 Barrington Ct, and 500 S. Barrington Ave.
Prevention: Secure all unattended property.
You cannot rely on the police department to combat crime, you have to protect and secure your property. Be a good neighbor; keep your eyes and ears open. Call 911 or 877- ASK-LAP
If you need to contact me, call me at (310) 444-0744 or by e-mail at