St. Martin of Tours School scored fourth place out of 103 participating schools in the Academic Junior High Decathlon, sponsored by the Archdiocese of Los Angeles. The small Catholic elementary school in Brentwood won first place in the Deanery, which includes some surrounding parish schools.
Thousands filled the Los Angeles Sports Arena on March 15 to support the decathletes during the daylong competition. The following St. Martin of Tours students won medals in the individual tests:
Jimmy Yao – First Place in Mathematics, Victoria Chayes – Second Place in Religion, Michael Harris – Third Place in Social Studies, Alexandra Reale – Fifth Place in Literature, Faith Bryer-Ash – Seventh Place in Fine Arts.
Eighth grade decathletes included Adit Gadh, Alexandra Reale, Emily Oetzell, Elle Cameron and Jimmy Yao, and seventh grade decathletes included Angela Funk, Faith Bryer-Ash, Victoria Chayes, Michael Harris, Jamie Marvil, Jack Wegleitner, Paul Ayoub and Christina Lee. Faculty members who coached and supported the students included Principal Cecile Oswald, Vice Principal and Head Coach Debbie Margulis, Eddie Ozawa, Anne Conte, Laura Kernan, Sheila Osborne, Judi Elterman, Mary Newsom, Julia Oates-Ulrich, Luke Robertson, Jeanne Newman, Stephanie Roel and Cady Ogden.